Archive for the ‘Government & Politics’ Category

Community of Interest

July 10, 2016

I recently read about how congressional districts were to be determined and it included a provision for gerrymandering, if there was a community of interest that could be created.  That means for specific group of people it is okay to draw boundaries that would enable that group to have a permanent majority of the voting populace.  On the face of it that makes the policy biased in favor of a race, ethnicity, or religion that petitions for special treatment.  That is completely and absolutely in conflict with the premise this nation was founded on, the Declaration of independence, and the Constitution.  The motto of the United States is “E Pluribus Unum” “from many one”. We are a mixture of all nationalities, religions, and ethnicities working together for individual freedom and prosperity.  There is no person, group, or nation that is perfect.  America from its inception has led the world in striving to find the perfect form of government.  Our nation has grown wealthy and powerful because it is based on undivided free people working together to achieve common goals.  While never perfect it has always been the best in the world in providing opportunity for self improvement and gaining financial wealth.  A congressional district based on a community of interest would create a division among American people creating either a privileged or disenfranchised populace within that district or in nearby districts.  America is an incredibly strong nation because of our diversity.  Anything that seeks to divide us or pit one American against another should be viewed as an attack against the nation and each of its citizens regardless of the source.   As a Realtor® I enjoy the opportunity to see the rewards afforded by different peoples working and living together and vibrancy pervasive in a diverse evolving neighborhood.  Don’t let some committee put you or your fellow Americans in a box.  We have one Community of Interest, the United States of America.